Tema Grup

ACCA Global

ACCA is a globally recognized professional accounting organization that delivers expertise in accounting services and raises standards in the profession. Founded in 1904 to broaden access to the accounting profession, ACCA has long championed inclusivity and today proudly supports a diverse community of over 252,500 members and more than 526,000 future members across 180 countries.

Its forward-looking qualifications, continuous learning opportunities, and insights are respected and valued by employers across all sectors. ACCA equips individuals with business and financial expertise and ethical judgment skills to create, protect, and report the sustainable value offered by businesses and economies. Aligned with its purpose and values, its vision is to develop the accounting profession the world needs.

TEMA GROUP is the first and only approved professional local employer in Türkiye in audit and consultancy under ACCA, one of the world’s most prestigious accounting and audit organizations.